Can I get a Refund or Cancel my Race Registration? 
No, Pacers does not allow cancellations or refunds. We offer a refundable ticket option for an additional fee on all races. This no-questions asked (NQA) option allows you to get a refund if you are no longer able to participate in the event. You can add the refundable ticket during your registration process.

Active duty military orders are exempt from refund policy and do not require a refundable ticket.

What if the Race Gets Cancelled? 
In the event that the race is cancelled, all registrants who did not purchase the refundable ticket option will be automatically transferred to the virtual race and will receive a $20 Pacers retail credit to use in-store or online. There are no refunds of entry fees or additional premium add-on items. You will be provided with an option to pick up your items at a designated Pacers retail location, or have your items mailed.